Thursday, January 17, 2008

Peace Mystery - From Dr. Ray Downing in Webuye

Rose, the woman who cleans our house, told me this today:

Last Friday, market day in Lugulu, there were some people (from different ethnicities) agitating to chase the Kikuyu merchants away from the market. When other merchants, and buyers, saw what was going on, they warned the few agitators to stop and turned in their names to the police. The Kikuyu merchants did not flee.

This is at least the third story like this I've heard around here.

Why has this area not been caught up in the mayhem?

Why aren't there reporters sending this story to the world?

Where are the Peace Teams trying to find out what makes the difference?


1 comment:

Wayne D. Lawton said...

I am thankful to hear that things are more peaceful in Kenya.

Could you please help me locate a brother in Christ named Samuel Kufwafwa. When he visited my home in Washington, DC in 1964 he was living in Broderick Falls and told me that he belonged to the Friends Church. Have you heard of him? Could you send me his address? Thank you.

I am Wayne D. Lawton, pastor of the Cedar Hill Community Church (Mennonite) in Elizabethtown, PA
My home address is 624 Groff Avenue
Elizabethtown, PA 17022

Asante sana!

PS My wife's grandparents came to Kaimosi in 1910. Her grandfather, Charles Frederick Spann was teaching Industrial Arts - and helping build some of the school buildings at that time. Her grandmother was Mary Lucile Jackson Spann. Their first child, Esther, was born in Kenya.